International Mobility
The International Mobility module was created to manage OUTGOING and INCOMING students and VISITING PROFESSORS.
The goal is the complete dematerialization of all flows and a better experience of using the online services dedicated to students and teachers.
Be Smart is the official provider of the "Erasmus Without Paper" project promoted by the EWP Consortium and, as a technological partner, supports Unict, Unisob and Unirc and from 2020 Unimi with the International Mobility module.
OUTGOING students for mobility for study purposes
The flow for study mobility abroad includes:
- The preparation of the call for international mobility and the opening to applications
- The selection and approval, through a ranking of suitable candidates / winners
- The acceptance / refusal of the seat assigned to the student and the proposal for a LEARNING AGREEMENT (by the student who accepted the seat)
- The definitive approval of the LEARNING AGREEMENT by the competent didactic structure
- The tracking of starting events (and partial career block) and scholarship assignment
- Any update of the LEARNING AGREEMENT (CHANGE FORM) proposed by the student and approved by the competent teaching structure
- The tracking of re-entry events (career release) and scholarship disbursement
- The start of the procedure for the recognition of credits earned abroad and the updating of the career and study plan
- The sending of mobility data to ANS
INCOMING guest students
The following functions are available for foreign guest students:
- Definition of programs;
- Pre-registration of guests by the Partner Universities through a dedicated portal;
- Guided creation of the Learning Agreement;
- Activation of incoming careers;
- Display in English of the functions dedicated to foreign guests and access to dedicated functions: booking exams, viewing career, viewing / editing anagragic data ...
Visiting professors
The flow for visiting teachers on international mobility includes:
- The preparation of the announcement and the opening of applications;
- The selection, through ranking;
- Approval of the ranking;
- The qualification of suitable / winning candidates