
Digital University at your fingertips.

smart_edu is an advanced "ERP" system, made up of numerous operating modules, which covers all the management and computerization needs currently present in Italian universities. The operating modules are:

For the GOVERNANCE, the modules:

  • Business Flow Managervisual programming tool that helps define and analyze any kind of process and automation;
  • Asset Accounting, through EasyWeb, a complete application for the accounting management of universities;
  • AVA, automated management of all flows with the MIUR for the accreditation of study courses;
  • Smart-GOV, modules at the service of University Governance;
  • Business Intelligence, automated analysis for the calculation and monitoring of indicators in real time;
  • VOIP, advanced telephony solutions, including automatic responders (IVR) for automated assistance.

For the UNIVERSITY OFFICES, the modules:

  • Training Offer, distributed management for the compilation, verification of requirements and automated submission to MIUR;
  • Accounting, automatic procedures for the recalculation of taxes and reconciliation;
  • Classrooms and Timetables, system for the allocation of rooms, both for teaching and for all other events;
  • Research Registry, distributed system for compiling the MIUR research registry;
  • Placement, module for the meeting between supply and demand between the various business players and graduates, internship management;
  • International Mobility, module for the integrated management of outgoing and incoming students, e.g. Erasmus and Erasmus plus, EWP;
  • Protocol, protocol and storage system.

For the SECRETARIATS, the modules:

  • Student Secretariat, digital system for the management of student careers, with event workflow in native XML format: electronic registration, student file, etc .;
  • Data warehouse, native module integrated into the system, at no additional cost, for the analysis and preparation of standard and customized queries;
  • Digital dossier, fully automated management of the dossier, in XML and pdf, which "self-composes" with all career events and is sent for storage. Workflow at events;
  • Open data XML, open language for the management of all the events underlying the event workflow;
  • pagoPA, an automated system, prepared by the AgID, for the management of all payments to the university: taxes, third parties, etc .;
  • ISEE INPS, automated system, prepared by INPS, for the verification and transfer of the ISEE;
  • ANS, an automated system for sending shipments in application collaboration and for timely control, in order to improve the parameters of FFO's reward quota.
  • smart_exam, to manage exams, intermediate tests, entrance tests and remote degrees

For the PROFESSORS, the modules:

  • Management of appeals, digital system for appeals, intermediate tests, exam sessions, cohorts of affiliation, etc .;
  • Teacher card, annual report of the teacher, even "day by day";
  • Verbalization with digital signature, in partnership with Aruba PEC, direct supply of remote signatures and training of recognition operators (ODR);
  • Public web, integrated with smart_edu in real time;
  • Replacement storage, in partnership with Aruba PEC, for the provision of the entire database;
  • smart_exam, to manage exams, intermediate tests, entrance tests and remote degrees.

For the STUDENTS, the modules:

  • Student portal, allows the student to carry out any request directly online, through the digitization of all traditional paper processes;
  • E-learning Moodle, an open-source platform for the administration of teaching material, integrated in smart_edu through "self-enrollment" procedures;
  • Digital stamp, for the online issue of digitally signed digital certificates, therefore equivalent to paper ones;
  • Mobile App, for the use of the student portal functions on IOS and Android;
  • Right to study, platform for the preparation of calls, rankings, subsequent takeovers;
  • smart_exam, to manage exams, intermediate tests, entrance tests and remote degrees.


All products can be customized according to the needs of the university


smart_edu is a new and modern product, and therefore has been designed with organicity, in order to improve the ease of use for the end user of all its operational modules and in compliance with the 2012 Digital University Guidelines (adopted by MIUR on 06.08. .2012, prot. N.151, Subject "Digital University - Adoption of guidelines" signed by the General Manager Dr. D. Livon). In particular, following this compliance architecture in a native and structural way, unlike other products already on the market that only subsequently had to adapt - or will have to adapt, as currently smart_edu is the only ERP system that implements an event-based workflow in XML for Italian universities.

smart_edu was born from the decennial experience of the GOMP module to date, the smart_edu modules are used by the following universities:

  1. Sapienza Università di Roma (since 2005);
  2. Università degli Studi di Catania (since 2008);
  3. Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" (since 2009);
  4. Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale (since 2013);
  5. Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria (since 2014);
  6. Università Suor Orsola Benincasa (since 2014);
  7. Università Link Campus (since 2015);
  8. Università Telematica Giustino Fortunato (since 2015);
  9. Università degli studi Roma Tre (since 2016);
  10. Italian University Line – IUL (since 2017);
  11. Saint Camillus International University of Health and Medical Sciences - UniCamillus (since 2018);
  12. Università degli Studi della Tuscia (since 2019).
  13. Università degli Studi di Milano (since 2020 in partnership with Space Informatica)
  14. Unitelma Sapienza (since 2021)

smart_edu products are available on the Electronic Market of the Public Administration (MEPA).

Be Smart is a software house certified in AgID for the following platforms:


Be Smart is an ARUBA PEC partner in the smart_edu project, in particular for the use of remote digital signatures (in ARUBA Call technology) for the electronic recording of exams, as well as for electronic storage.



For information contact Filippo Quondam at (+39) 06.99587.